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CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF Exceeds all Expectations

With numerous new launches, higher visitor numbers and good sales figures this year’s CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF impressively proved that the great interest in caravanning as a style of holidaymaking continues unabated. Thus, the world’s leading fair for mobile leisure drawing to a close in Düsseldorf on Sunday provides the hoped-for positive impulses for the entire caravanning industry.

Looking back on extremely positive results, Joachim Schäfer, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, said: “Registering 175.000 visitors, this year’s CARAVAN SALON has by far exceeded our expectations of over 160,000 visitors. Despite the tight economic situation trade visitors and caravanning enthusiasts from all over the world come here to meet their business partners and gather information on innovations.” The positive response to this year’s CARAVAN SALON proves, he said, how popular caravanning continues to be as a form of vacationing. “Moreover it is particularly positive to note that despite the current market climate in Europe to the tune of 25.000 visitors found their way to Düsseldorf from abroad,” delighted Schäfer. This means CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF once again confirms the positive image of caravanning.

Hermann Pfaff, Vice-President of the Caravanning Industry Association, was also more than satisfied with the outcome of the fair: “We are pleasantly surprised by the high visitor numbers and their willingness to spend at the fair. Results have clearly exceeded our expectations and interest has risen yet again.” This was also reflected in the sales figures, he said. On a positive note, demand was also up in the caravan segment. “The good results produced by the fair and the positive mood among both customers and dealers is important for the industry as a whole,” Pfaff said.

This positive verdict was also confirmed by the majority of exhibitors at CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF 2013 who reported avid interest and satisfactory sales across the board. In short, CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF remains a “must-go” event for the caravanning sector even in difficult times.

Dr. Holger Siebert, CEO of Eura Mobil GmbH, confirmed an increase in the number of Dutch visitors as well as of new customers. “Thanks to the great advertising campaign launched by the Association and the activities of Messe Düsseldorf significantly more visitors have come to the CARAVAN SALON than expected. We have concluded noticeably more sales deals than in the previous year. The fair in Düsseldorf was very successful and is sure to give the sector tailwinds over the next few months.” Delighted with the throng of visitors at the Hobby stand CEO Klaus Dieter Böcker said: “We have achieved one of our best results at the trade fair ever with our mobile homes but also in the caravan segments.” Besides, visitors were especially well informed this year he added.

“We have achieved last year’s sales figures and have even clearly surpassed them in some segments. To us CARAVAN SALON is definitely the No. 1 fair and is even more important this year since trade fair activities in other European states have dropped significantly,” said Jörg Reithmeier, CEO of HYMER AG.

Exhibitors also agreed unanimously on the quality of the talks they held. Wolfgang Speck, CEO of Knaus Tabbert GmbH, said: “Visitors are well informed and we succeeded in winning over a whole series of new customers. In terms of total sales we are currently at the previous year’s levels – which is a considerable achievement in view of the overall situation on the markets.” He also felt the Caravisio Study went down extremely well with visitors. “Furthermore, we registered a stronger flow of visitors from the Netherlands,” said Speck.

Marco Lange, CEO of la strada, delighted at the emerging optimism, good sales and high-quality conversations with customers. “The CARAVAN SALON is the absolute No. 1 fair and is just as important for our industry as IAA is for the automotive sector. And it will stay that way in future, too.” The fair also proved a success for upstream suppliers. Verena Flowers, in charge of trade fair presentations at Truma Gerätetechnik, summed it up: “We can look back on an extremely successful fair. Visitors are very interested in high-quality furnishing components. At our stand we also welcomed many international business partners, even from China, Japan and the USA.”

In the tourism segment the higher visitor numbers were also reflected in the higher footfall at the stands. “We are satisfied and have concluded many business deals and reservations. Trade visitor attendance seems lower than in the previous year but the conversations we had with customers were of a higher quality altogether. We draw positive stock,” says Jürgen Dieckert, CEO at TopPlatz.

The 53rd CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF will be held from 29 August (trade visitor and media day) to 7 September 2014.

For more information, please visit: www.caravan-salon.de

On-site highlights: