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    Media Facilitate AIC Pre-show Marketing Events

    As the balmy spring season arrives, All in CARAVANING 2016 starts its intensive promotion phase. With only one month to go until opening of the show, AIC hosted a special event “Caravanning Media Open Day” recently with the aim to mobilize the participating media for extensive market promotion.

    7 mainstream media took part in the event including CCTV, BTV, Beijing Travel Magazine, Xinhuanet, FB LIFE, CRI online and China-Daily. Facilitated by AIC marketing staff, media participants experienced a full-day event that involves caravans, bungalows, cycling, archery and other entertainment facilities in Beijing Longwan International Camping Park, also an AIC campsite exhibitor. Through the event, the participants have also gained a thorough understanding of the upcoming All in CARAVANING 2016.

    AIC has aroused great interest among the media as a result of the event. In response, Xinhuanet journalist interviewed Tetris Zhang, Deputy Project Director of AIC on April 13th, and later published two special reports titled “Focus on new type of tourism in China” and “RV traveling become popular in China, changing the lifestyle of the people" on Beijing Reference, an important newspaper in the capital city.

    Click the following links to read the articles (in Chinese only):

    • Focus on new type of tourism in China
    • RV traveling become popular in China, changing the lifestyle of the people

    During Auto China 2016 in late April, AIC worked together with its media partner FB LIFE at its stand RV and Camping for joint promotion, again utilizing the strength of media to widely promote the show. AIC has distributed the admission tickets and other gifts to a large number of visitors through interactive games and other activities, thus allowing for effective exposure of the show to the industry.

    During Auto China, Tetris Zhang, at the invitation of CMSTV, attended a live broadcast of the show and took the opportunity to introduce the origin, status quo and developments of the caravanning culture in Europe as well as highlights and preparation progress for AIC 2016.

    Click HERE to watch the video (in Chinese only).

    Preparation for the “Second Edition of Caravanning Media Open Day” is in full swing, which will be held together with AIC 2016 pre-show press conference. On May 27th, around 50 media will be invited by the organizer to join a 2 days/1 night experience program at Beijing CTS (HK) RV Park of Miyun.